aviation: 2022: Münster/Osnabrück Airport had 834,424 passengers

aviation 2022 MunsterOsnabruck Airport had 834424 passengers


Münster/Osnabrück Airport had a total of 834,424 passengers in 2022, which just ended. This was 130 percent more travelers than in 2021. However, it was well below the pre-crisis level, which was only 85 percent.

With 37,676 take-offs and landings, flight movements increased by 15 percent compared to 2019. There was a lot of catching up to do, especially in the tourism sector. Tourism was a key driver of the strong growth in traffic, especially in the summer and autumn of last year. The busiest connections went to Palma de Mallorca with 241,000 passengers – that was the highest annual value in ten years – and to Antalya with 219,000 passengers.

Scheduled air traffic to the Lufthansa hubs in Frankfurt and Munich also recovered, but is only half the level it was before Corona. Last year, 113,000 passengers used the connections to Munich and 46,000 to Frankfurt.

The 2022 contribution: Münster/Osnabrück Airport had 834,424 passengers first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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