In July and August 2023, 1,782,271 nights were booked in Lower Austria, 885,171 of them in July, 897,100 in August according to the first projection. This results in a significant increase of 8.8 percent compared to July and August of the previous year.
In general, the hosts reported good to very good occupancy during the summer holidays, although it is still just below the crisis level of 2019. In some cases, more beds could be sold, but unfortunately it is not possible to increase capacity due to a lack of staff. The topics of hiking, cycling, wine experiences, culture and cuisine were very popular. The guests came mainly from within Germany and Germany. It was also noted in some cases that guests come but spend less and hotel packages are less in demand. Overall, if you compare the months of January to August, you are 4.3 percent below the absolute record year of 2019. est blog numérique qui compile de multiples infos publiés sur internet dont le sujet de prédilection est « Wiki des avions et de l’aviation ». Cette chronique est produite de la façon la plus complète qui soit. S’il advenait que vous souhaitez apporter des précisions concernant le sujet « Wiki des avions et de l’aviation » vous êtes libre de solliciter notre rédaction. Pour vous tenir informés, ce post à propos du sujet « Wiki des avions et de l’aviation », vous est offert par Restez connecté sur notre site internet et nos réseaux sociaux dans l’optique d’être au courant des prochaines communications.