aviation: Cathay had only 58 passengers as of March 12, 2022

aviation Cathay had only 58 passengers as of March 12


Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong’s airline, has also had to accept losses in terms of flight operations due to the pandemic. This is especially evident by March 12, 2022, when the airline will only carry 58 passengers.

This low number can be justified by the justified situation of the pandemic. The Omicron variant brought with it travel restrictions that have significantly changed flight operations. After the first easing in May, the airline was able to resume normal operations to a limited extent, which allowed the number of flights to be slowly increased.

The airline benefited from the complete lifting of the quarantine regulations from September 2022, from which point on the Cathay Pacific airline can resume somewhat normal operations.

The post Cathay had only 58 passengers on March 12, 2022 first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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