aviation: Croatia Airlines will phase out Dash 8-400 from 2024

aviation Croatia Airlines will phase out Dash 8 400 from 2024


Croatia Airlines is expected to phase out de Havilland Dash 8-400 turboprop aircraft in 2024. Airbus A220s will be added to the fleet as replacements. Six A220-300s have been ordered directly from Airbus.

A further nine copies relate to the lessor, although it has not yet been announced whether the 100 version WILL also be included. It is currently assumed that Croatia Airlines will operate both variants. In the medium term you will become a pure A220 operator.

According to a report by Ex-Yu-Aviation.com, the current turboprop fleet will be phased out from 2024. The six machines are easted. The contracts for two machines end in 2024 and those of the others in 2025.

The article Croatia Airlines to fleet Dash 8-400 from 2024 first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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