aviation: France: General strike expected on Thursday

aviation France General strike expected on Thursday


The major French trade unions have called for strikes and demonstrations on January 19, 2023, including in the transport sector and public services.

There will be another strike in France next Thursday. Travelers should therefore be prepared for a « Black Thursday », i.e. the French daily newspaper « Le Parisien ». The major unions in the country had expressed the wish for a “zero transport day” to emerge.

However, the exact effects on rail and air traffic are not yet known. The French railway company SNCF has not yet published any information about the timetable on Thursday. « Le Parisien » only reports on a limited public transport in the Île de France, without giving any further details. There is also still a lack of clarity in the aviation sector. According to the French television station TF1, there could also be walkouts at Air France. The airports in Paris and Marseille could also be affected by the strike.

The background to the strike is the planned pension reform in France. The entry age is to be raised from the current 62 to 64 by 2030. This has met with great resistance from the opposition parties and trade unions in the country.

France: General strike expected on Thursday first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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