aviation: Frankfurt Airport is reorganizing identity checks

aviation Frankfurt Airport is reorganizing identity checks


The Frankfurt airport operator Fraport will significantly increase passenger and hand luggage checks.

A more efficient use of private security forces and innovative baggage scanners should help. The new scanners replace the need for passengers to take technical devices such as tablets or liquids out of their hand luggage. Instead of around 80 passengers per hour, up to 250 passengers can be checked at the same time at the new stations. This was shown by a test run in 2019.

The classic reorganization of aviation security checks WILL be made possible by the fact that the federal government has again transferred the organization of security checks at the airport to Fraport in a loan agreement. Since the turn of the year, Fraport has been controlling the deployment of private security forces itself. The Federal Police are now in charge of security policy supervision.

With outdated technology and high fees at the same time, German airports have fallen behind in a European comparison. Last summer, for example, there were long queues in front of the checkpoints in Cologne, Düsseldorf and Berlin.

The article Frankfurt Airport reorganizes identity checks first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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