aviation: Geneva airport automated process

aviation Geneva airport automated process


Passengers departing from Geneva Airport can now go through check-in, baggage drop-off and security checks more quickly thanks to new self-service systems from Sita.

In the past few weeks, Sita has already delivered its self-service bag machines to the airlines of the Lufthansa Group and e-gates to the security checks. In time for the summer of 2023, the company will also deliver 15 self-service bag machines and 30 systems with a payment function, e.g. for excess baggage. This can also accept skis, among other things – a first for Easyjet passengers departing from Geneva.

The payment terminals are also capable of biometric authentication, allowing the airport to introduce this feature at a later date. After enabling this feature, passengers can go through various steps of the journey such as check-in or baggage check-in by scanning their face. Long-haul passengers can now also use so-called Smart Path Gates, which have been installed in the recently opened east wing of the airport. They scan their smartphone to board the plane. This makes the boarding pass control completely contactless and automated.

The Geneva airport automated processes article first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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