aviation: Gran Canaria: Air Baltic has opened a seasonal base

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Since December 1, 2023, the Latvian airline Air Baltic has had a base on the Canary Islands of Gran Canaria. Two Airbus A220-300 aircraft are stationed on site.

With a total of ten non-stop routes served by the carrier. This is a seasonal stop that is initially limited to the duration of the 2023/24 winter flight schedule period. Company boss Martin Gauss said: “We at Air Baltic are pleased to celebrate the start of our seasonal base on Gran Canaria.” By stationing two aircraft on Gran Canaria, we will connect these beautiful islands with destinations in Northern Europe. This is Air Baltic’s first base season and the first base of the Baltic and Finland. By taking advantage of the strong and growing demand during the winter months between Northern Europe and the Canary Islands, we will also increase the utilization of our aircraft.”

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