aviation: Half-year figures: Dresden and Leipzig benefit from high demand from Turkey

aviation Half year figures Dresden and Leipzig benefit from high demand


The airports Leipzig/Halle and Dresden can currently benefit from a particularly high offer from Turkey. The high demand is already noticeable in the most recent half-year figures, because the two airports together had 1,254,393 passengers, which is 39.1 percent more than in the same period last year.

At Dresden Airport, the number of passengers increased to 405,527 from January to June 2023. This corresponds to an increase of 23.3 percent compared to the same period last year. At Leipzig/Halle Airport, which is characterized by holiday travel, the number of passengers rose by 48.2 percent to 848,866 in the same period.

Based on the pre-pandemic situation, the Central German airports reached around 68 percent of the passenger volume of 2019 in the first half of 2023. The reasons for this are a still limited offer and the continued low demand in domestic German traffic. This development, which can be observed nationwide, is an expression of a trend that is well below the European average.

The article half-year figures: Dresden and Leipzig benefit from high demand in Turkey first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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