aviation: IATA: Air traffic at three quarters of pre-crisis levels

aviation IATA Air traffic at three quarters of pre crisis levels


Global air traffic is growing, but is still a long way from the pre-corona numbers. This is shown by the IATA evaluations for last October.

According to the umbrella organization, air traffic in October reached 74.2 percent of the pre-crisis level based on passenger kilometers (RPL). Compared to October 2021, the number of flights is expected to increase by 4.6 percent. While domestic traffic worldwide fell slightly by 0.8 percent in October compared to the previous year – the reason was in particular renewed travel restrictions within China – international air traffic is showing strong growth. With an increase of 102.4 percent, the IATA shows a doubling. In Europe, air traffic is expected to increase by almost 61 percent compared to the same month last year – and thus showed the lowest growth in an international comparison. Capacities increased by 34.7 percent, the load factor is expected to increase by 13.8 percentage points and reached a value of 84.8 percent.

Growth is strongest in Asia-Pacific rum. There, an increase in RPK of 440 percent was registered – also driven by increasingly relaxed entry rules. In the Middle East, air traffic is expected to increase by 14.9 percent, in North America it grew by 106.6 percent. In Latin America the increase was 85.3 percent and in Africa 84.5 percent.

The post IATA: Air Traffic at Three Quarters of Pre-Crisis Levels appeared first on Aviation.Direct.

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