So far, in Austria – in contrast to other countries – the waiting times at the security checks have been limited. At Innsbruck Airport, the acute shortage of staff is now a serious problem, so that the airport has to warn of waiting times on its homepage.
The background is also that Innsbruck Airport lacks around 30 employees in the security department. The positions are advertised, but they are not employees of the airport, because the person checks are outsourced to the company Securitas. A few weeks ago it became known that filling the open jobs could be complicated. Apparently, the hourly wage of 14.26 euros is not exactly attractive.
While airport boss Marco Pernetta emphasized in a number of interviews in the summer of 2022 that the advantage of flying from Innsbruck was that there were no long waiting times, the passengers affected now see it completely differently. It should also be noted that the Tyrolean Airport has significantly more passengers in the cold season than in summer due to the fact that there are many popular ski areas in the region. Thus, the lack of staff in the warm time was not so noticeable.
Many angry passengers leave extremely negative reviews about the security checks at Innsbruck Airport on the Internet. It is criticized that the waiting times are up to two hours and that travelers are said to find long queues out onto the street. Passengers are particularly annoyed that, due to a lack of staff, only one control line should be open at certain times, even at peak times. Since the actual main season in Innsbruck is only just beginning, it remains to be seen whether the airport and/or Securitas can take appropriate countermeasures. Otherwise & the passengers are prepared for long waiting times and chaotic conditions.
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