aviation: Tata will merge Air India Express and Air Asia India

aviation Tata will merge Air India Express and Air Asia


Indian low-cost airline Air Asia India is now fully owned by Tata Sons. A merger of the carrier with Air India Express is currently being prepared. This will appear under the Tata brand in the future.

Formally, the Air India subsidiary has fully acquired Air Asia India’s shares. Tata Sons will reduce the number of brands and merge individual flight operations. The Indian competition authority has already given the green light for the topic.

Air Asia India was originally established as a joint venture between Tata and Air Asia. During the corona pandemic, the continued existence of this airline was at stake, but the Indian majority owner, who also took over from Air India, has declared its allegiance to the carrier. In the meantime, the stake has been bought from the minority shareholder from Malaysia.

The next step is to merge Air India Express and Air Asia India. It is currently planned that the joint venture will be positioned as a low-cost company and will fly under the Tata brand. However, the final decision on the fire has not yet been made, so changes may still occur.

The post Tata plans to merge Air India Express and Air Asia India first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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