aviation: Thanks to a loophole: Russia wants to buy aircraft from lessors

aviation Thanks to a loophole Russia wants to buy aircraft


With the entry of sanctions against Russia, the aircraft trade with Russian airlines was almost canceled. An exemption from EU sanctions resulted in the purchase of ten Boeing 777s alongside Aeroflot.

The Russian cabinet granted the Russian airlines a sum of 300 billion rubles, the equivalent of around 360 billion euros, with which the purchase of aircraft from the manufacturers Boeing and Airbus is to take place.

However, according to the sanctions, Russian airlines are not allowed to procure Western-origin aircraft. An exemption, based on the EU sanctions, should be considered by the airlines in order to manage the acquisition of more aircraft.

According to the exemption, Russian airlines can also purchase the planes if all rates have been agreed. After paying off all leasing installments, Russian airlines such as Aeroflot are also able to acquire ownership through purchase. This arrangement enabled the Russian airline Aeroflot to purchase 10 new Boeing 777s. The airline plans to buy 21 more planes in the future.

The article Thanks to the loophole: Russia wants to buy aircraft from lessors appeared first on Aviation.Direct.

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