aviation: Transavia is reducing the flight schedule by around five percent

aviation Transavia is reducing the flight schedule by around five


The low-cost airline Transavia has to cancel numerous flights in June 2023. The carrier describes this as an additional measure intended to stabilize the flight plan.

The background is also that some aircraft can only be taken over with a delay. These are mainly machines that are currently being serviced and the work is taking longer than expected. You are subject to limited capacities, but also to delivery delays in the area of ​​spare parts. You can also take over newly ordered aircraft with a delay.

It is true that the proportion of the fleet that is on the ground for technical reasons has steadily decreased. You can’t use your own information at the moment for only five machines. However, further machine maintenance is pending. The capacity is reduced by around five percent. Transavia assumes that 95 percent of the flights can be carried out as planned. Alternative connections were found for 80 percent of the travelers whose connections were canceled. Around 20 percent are without flights.

“Before the summer, we are building in more guarantees that a flight can be operated normally.” “Above all, passengers and partners who book with us must have the certainty that they will get the trip they want with our airline,” says Marcel de Nooijer, CEO of Transavia. « The fact that we are now adjusting the flight plan provides the clarity that everyone wants. »

However, the cuts made in June 2023 are not unique. Around two percent of the capacity will be taken off the market in July and August 2023. The passengers concerned will soon be informed by e-mail, so that the company.

The article Transavia reduced the flight schedule by around five percent first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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