Whereas travelers to the Caribbean country could previously purchase a tourist card for a 30-day stay, the visa now entitles them to stay for 90 days. In addition, the visa can be extended once for a further 90 days.
Tourism Minister Juan Carlos García announced on Twitter last Sunday that travelers have been able to apply for the tourist card, which is mandatory for entry, for a stay of up to 90 days since November 1st. Previously, the acquisition of a visa was only permitted for a maximum of 30 days and could be extended once for a further month. An extension is still possible: within the period of stay, the tourist card can be extended by a further 90 days, so that the visa is valid for a maximum of 180 days. With the extension of visa validity, tourism in Cuba should receive a new boost after the Cuban government admitted that the tourism forecast of 2.5 million visitors calculated at the beginning of the year is unlikely to be met.
It remains questionable whether tourism in the country can be boosted as a result. Because anyone who was in the Cuban War can no longer enter the USA without a visa with Esta. However, this is not a general entry ban. Only participation in the visa waiver program, i.e. entry without a visa, is no longer possible. Instead of the uncomplicated Esta permit, which costs 21 euros and remains valid for two years, a regular visa must then also be applied for for tourist stays. In most cases, however, this is only possible with an appointment at the consulate, for which you often have to wait months at the moment.
The Cuba Tourist Visa Extended Validity post appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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