aviation: Lufthansa is considering reductions in Frankfurt

aviation Lufthansa is considering reductions in Frankfurt


Lufthansa flights to the city of Frankfurt will be reduced in the future. Due to bottlenecks, the airline decides to cancel some flights.

Due to bottlenecks, Lufthansa is planning fewer flights to Frankfurt. Airline boss Spohr cannot confirm the number of 34,000 flights, but it is certain that flights will have to be canceled in the future. This primarily affects flights that were considered doubtful in advance. Lufthansa did not offer the same amount of tickets for these and thus achieved fewer sales.

When the usual air traffic can be resumed without cancellations is currently still in the stars. If the load continues to increase, consequences must be expected, but the problem is being worked on in order to be able to return to normal operation as quickly as possible.

The article Lufthansa is considering reductions in Frankfurt first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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