aviation: Almost 2.6 million: DTM achieves second-best result in history in 2022

aviation Almost 26 million DTM achieves second best result in history


A total of 2,586,342 passengers used Dortmund Airport last year.

Thanks to the strong summer months with numerous passenger records, the forecast of around 2.45 million passengers was exceeded despite the pandemic and war in Europe. Compared to the previous year, Dortmund Airport managed to increase the number of passengers by around 53 percent (previously: 1,692,960), and thus almost reached the level of the previous record year 2019 (approx. 2.7 million passengers). It was the second-best result in the history of the airport.

“We are pleased about the very good annual result. Thank you to all our passengers and the airlines who place so much trust in our location. I would also like to take care of all the receptions at the airport, which as usual ensured an orderly and smooth process throughout the year, even in times of very high occupancy,” summarized Airport Managing Director Ludger van Bebber.

In 2023, Dortmund Airport expects more than 2.6 million passengers due to the very good development.

The article Almost 2.6 million: DTM achieves second-best result in history in 2022 appeared first on Aviation.Direct.

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